SSC Governing Board – Congregational Update
March 2022 Board Meeting Summary
Pastor Updates
Attendance was up 15% in February. Five new members were received this month, and there are six baptisms planned for Easter.
Pastor Joe reported that the recent events for Brotherhood, Love Inc, & Blood Drive were very successful.
Pastor Ike reviewed upcoming Community Outreach Events. The Comedy Night is currently being promoted by Communio with the goal of attracting attendance from those living in the area surrounding the church as well as existing members. The Requiem will be presented by the choir on Good Friday.
Financial Management Team (FMT) Update
The congregation has been generous in additional giving; the year‐to‐date deficit is down to $91,000 vs. $118,000 in January.
FMT presented the proposed budget of $1,292,000 for 2022‐2023 to the Board. This was based on the Financial Management Team’s projection of future giving and is 5% lower than last year’s budget. It was noted that capital facility items were not included in the budget, so they will require a separate capital raise. The board approved the submission of the proposed budget to the congregation in the May annual meeting.
The board approved and adopted a revised Fiscal Policy that ensures the Reserve and Facility accounts are replenished before any new unbudgeted expenditures are considered when giving exceeds plan.
Thanks to over and above donations from the from numerous members, we were able to order replacement AC units for the Sanctuary and Choir room. If all goes according to plan, they will be installed and operable by May.
Strategic Plan Implementation
The Strategic Plan Teams are working to advance the vision.
The Events Team is busy with the programs scheduled and developing a workflow chart to ensure all events have the same process to follow.
The Neighborhood Team is working to develop a survey making contacts with identified areas.
The Facilities Team has prioritized a list of areas needing attention.
Security Team Update
Greg Cooke praised the Security Team members for their outstanding commitment and devotion to this volunteer job. He showed a video of their recent Situational Training to point out the professionalism they strive for and the training they are receiving. Greg was thanked by the Board for his outstanding leadership.
Nomination Team
Linda Wilson reported that the Nominating Team positions has secured commitments for the board positions as well as many of the Elder & Deacon vacancies. The full list of nominees will be presented for approval at the April 11 Governing Board Meeting.
Board members: Jeff Vaughan, Linda Wilson, Shawn Reed, Vicki Kail, Jerry McLeland, Gary Dixon, Harry Miller, Joe Cox, Greg Cooke, Sharan Wilson, Mary Jones, Heather Hance, Pastor Ike Nicholson.