Sunday Services:
9:00 AM - Contemporary Service
11:00 AM - Traditional Service

Canvas, Charcuterie & Chocolate
May 20, 2022, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM
Join us for a fun night of painting, eating, and getting to know others in our community. We will have a painting instructor here to walk you through your painting step by step as you enjoy charcuterie and sweets covered in chocolate from our chocolate fountain.
$30 per person - includes all of your painting material and food.
Community Easter Egg Hunt
April 9, 2022, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Come join us for our Community Easter Egg Hunt! Fun games, food, music, and prizes for kids and families. Age-appropriate egg hunts. Don't miss out on this annual event!

Holy Week Schedule

April 10, 2022 - Palm Sunday
9:00 AM Contemporary Service
11:00 Traditional Service
April 14, 2022 - Maunday Thursday Service​
7:00 PM
April 15, 2022​ - Good Friday Requiem
7:00 PM
April 17, 2022 - Easter Service​
9:00 AM Contemporary Service
11:00 AM Traditional Service
Requiem for the Living - Good Friday Service
April 15, 2022, at 7:00 PM
This year our Good Friday service is a composition by Dan Forrest entitled "Requiem for the Living." Our choir will be accompanied by a full orchestra for five movements as we journey through the emotional experience of being on this earth as God's children. The Service is on Friday, April 15 at 7:00 PM. You're not going to want to miss this.