Week of May 22
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Text: Robert Robinson, 1758
Music: J. Wyeth, 1813​​​
O Worship the King​
Text: Robert Grant, 1833
Music: attr. Joseph Martin Kraus, Michael Haydn
Choir Anthem
Be Thou My Vision
Dan Forrest (b. 1798)
Congregational Prayer
Most holy and eternal God, lord and sovereign of all creatures,
I humbly present to your divine majesty, myself,
my soul and body,
my thoughts and my words,
my actions and intentions,
my passions and my sufferings,
to be disposed by you to your glory;
to be blessed by your providence;
to be guided by your counsel;
to be sanctified by your Spirit;
and afterwards that my body and soul
may be received into your eternal kingdom,
for nothing can perish which is under your custody,
and the enemy of souls cannot devour what is your portion,
nor take it out of your hands.
This day, O Lord, and all the days of my life,
I dedicate to your honor.
May the actions of my calling, the uses of my grace,
and the religion of all my days
be united to the merits and intercession
of my holy Savior, Jesus;
that, in him and for him,
I may be pardoned and accepted.
Based on a prayer by Jeremy Taylor, 1613-1667