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As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.
Proverbs 15:22
Keith Smith
Lead Pastor
Jeff Vaughan
Harry Miller
Contracts Trustee
Sharan Wilson
Joy Petersky
Elder Chair
Shawn Reed
Safety & Security Trustee
Caroline Whitesides
Kimberly Bourret
Deacon Chair
Mary Jones
At-Large Member
When are your services?South Sub Church hosts both online and in-person services every Sunday. Our online services stream via our platform Sunday's at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. In-person services are hosted at South Sub Church, 7275 S Broadway, Littleton, CO 80122, at 9:00 a.m. (contemporary) and 11:00 a.m. (traditional).
What are in-person services like?Each weekend service lasts about one hour. Our worship services include heartfelt worship, life-relevant messages from the Bible, and engaging media. Our attendees are from a variety of denominational backgrounds. You’re invited to simply come as you are. Our praise band will be leading us in more current songs during our Contemporary service at 9:00 a.m. The choir will be leading us in hymns and anthems during our Traditional service at 11:00 a.m. For more information about worship, please visit our South Sub Worship page.
When should I arrive for service?It’s a good idea to arrive at least 15 minutes before the service starts. This will give you time to park, check your kids into their classrooms, and grab a cup of coffee before the service begins. You will want to make sure you get into the worship center before the music starts.
What do people wear to Sunday service?At South Sub, people wear anything from casual clothes to business suits. Come in what is comfortable for you. It’s not about what you look like or what you wear — we’re happy to have you join us.
What kind of programming do you offer for kids?Kids programming is offered for infants through 6th grade during both worship times. If you are a first-time guest, you may park at any of our entrances. If you have kids, you’ll be checking in to South Sub Kids Ministry. After check-in, please go to the worship center for our service. Kids are invited to join the South Sub Kids Team during the announcements and will be led to the lower level of the church. 5th and 6th graders have their own Preteen group on Sunday mornings at the 9am service as well as scheduled Preteen Events throughout the year to provide opportunities for fun and fellowship. Go to South Sub Kids page for upcoming events. Visit our South Sub Kids page for more information.
What kind of programming do you offer for youth?Yes! South Sub Youth is available to all kids and young adults ages 7th Grade through 12th Grade. Our youth programs are held on Wednesday nights year-round. Please see our South Sub Youth page for more information.
Is there programming available for senior adults?Our senior adults meet in classes and groups throughout the week and at different times. Please visit our Senior Adults page for more information.
What do I need to know if I am going to give online?What if I want to give online to something other than the funds listed? Please process your donation to the "General Fund" and then send an email to Once your gift deposits, the business office will make the change in your designation. How much does it cost South Sub to process my online gift? It depends how you give. If you give using a debit/credit card, there is a 2.29% (Amex 2.89%) + $0.29 per transaction fee charged to South Sub. If you give through ACH/eCheck, there is a $0.29 per transaction fee with no additional percentage charged. Why do I have to enter my card/bank information in each time I make a new donation? For your security, the information is not stored once the transaction has processed. At no point can South Sub staff see your card/bank information. Can I give directly through my IRA or contribute stock? Absolutely. Check with your financial advisor to set this up. If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact Are there other ways to give to South Sub? You can give with a check, either mailed, dropped off, or placed in the offering on Sunday mornings. You can also give using text. Using this, you can have your card/bank information stored (not visible to any South Sub staff) and give by simply texting an amount to 877-488-9041 (you will set it up after your first text and then it will be ready to go).
Where should I get service updates if inclement weather is occuring?We follow the Littleton School District schedule for inclement weather. Updates on services when inclement weather is occuring will be posted on the main page of our website. For additional questions, please call the Church Office at 303-798-2406.
How do I find out what the Board is working on now?Periodically the board includes a Congregational Board Update within our Weekly Community Update containing important news and information. Be sure to opt-in to receive emails and communications from SSC by filling out the form located at the footer of this webpage. For additional questions on current projects and discussions the Board is working on, please email to contact our "At-Large Member" representatives.
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